Sample Letter

Want to send a letter to someone to tell them about the Work A Day fundraiser?

This is the letter a friend of our used for an old prof/friend of their. Feel free to use it as a model for your own letter!


Hello XXXXX;

I’m contacting you because we’ve had discussions in the past about the criminalization of dissent, specifically with regards to the police state and repression that was caused by the Toronto G20 2010. From these discussions, I know that you have expressed discomfort and dismay with the exorbitant security budget, the ongoing harassment and intimidation of activists, the conspiracy charges that violate the basic right of freedom of speech, the list goes on…. Various environmental and social justice groups, including Council of Canadians, No-one is Illegal, and the CUPE 3906 Political Action Committee have also recognized the atrocity that was the state repression before, during, and following the Toronto 2010 G20.

Though it’s been over 2 years since that fateful summer, the individuals and communities who were most heavily repressed during the G20 are still experiencing the repercussions. Dozens of individuals are awaiting sentencing, or are serving time either in prison or on house arrest. Sentences have been ranging from a few months to over a year.

I am writing to you because I know that you, like myself, do not want these individuals to become lost within the judicial process. We cannot let the Canadian state break them, simply because of their commitment to social and environmental justice. We all desire a better world; one which includes the ability to express dissent without fear of serving jail time.

I am writing you to tell you that there is something we can do beyond talk. As you can imagine, adequately supporting these individuals is an immense task. Outstanding legal fees, collect phone calls, commissary costs, and transportation costs are just a few of them. To date, communities have been holding consistent fundraisers, but it is not enough. There has been a recent callout by these communities, requesting financial support. This is why I became involved with a project called ‘Work A Day’.

As is stated on their website:

“We understand that everyone has a different strength when it comes to contributing towards greater social and environmental justice. Perhaps for the individuals currently negotiating the judicial process, organizing around the atrocities of the g20 was their strength. Now, it is time that the rest of us take advantage of our privileged place of relative freedom to contribute where we are strong; through financial contribution.

We are asking all of those who are able to work one day in the name of the g20 prisoners, and contribute anywhere from 40-100% of your daily wage to their incarcerated and legal fees. As part of a larger fundraising effort, our goal is to raise $5000 by the end of March.”

It is with this in mind that I am personally asking you to become involved with the ‘Work A Day’ fundraising endeavour. I know that you have been looking for a way to support those most severely affected by the Toronto G20, and this is that way. ‘Work A Day’ has named March 15th, the International Day Against Police Brutality, as the date for the ‘Work A Day’ fundraiser. However, the day was mainly chosen for its significance, and they are accepting donations at any point during March.

If you choose to participate in this project, you can send your donation in via paypal here: <img src="" alt="" />  or pass it on in person on April 1st, at a thank-you brunch at La Belle Epoque social space (1984 rue Wellington).

Again, I ask you to please consider contributing to this fundraising effort; and pass this information and letter on to others you think would want to participate. It is important that we do not let the repression of the Toronto G20 smother our commitment to fighting for social and environmental justice. Through our support, we will send a strong message to the Conservative government and its security apparatus: We refuse to be silenced and forgotten!




For more information on the ‘Work A Day’ Project:

For more information on those who faced conspiracy charges:

Amanda Hiscocks, who is serving 16 months due to her participation in organizing the protests against the G20 leaders summit, has a blog to keep everyone updated on her situation:

For updated information on some of the people serving house arrest and jail time on charges related to the G20: